Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Epic Journey Through the Oregon Trail... (Part 2)

The Oregon Trail, my path, my journey to Manifest Destiny. This grueling, 6 state jaunt into the wilderness, tests the bravest and kills off the weak and feeble. I myself am a respected physician, a believer in God, and from noble blood, so I am inclined to think our journey is blessed from the start.

My counterparts however are limey bastards who founded rock-n-roll, more like the devil's music I say! Yes, they are a motley crew, but they seem up to the task, however to me there lives are clearly expendable.

We are nearing Flag Hill in Kansas where we will make camp and search for food. Time will tell how successful we will be at surviving in the wild...

Sorry... dozed off. The slow rolling of the wagon is hypnotic and it is easy to get lost in your dreams. Until next time traveling people...

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